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Howdy YAL!

I used to be the blogger called YAL Book Briefs, but I grew bored of the handle and changed my name to Howdy YAL. I also respond to MJ. I like to read, write, eat truffles, and watch bad Lifetime movies. 


A Kiss at Midnight - Eloisa James



Just ew.


I hated this book.


The good news is I got it very cheap, the bad news in the words of the great Gordon Ramsay it sucked Donkey’s balls.


To sum up this book you could make a drinking game whenever any of the following things are mentioned/happened:

  1. 1)Kate tells us how she’s so unattractive because she’s skinny/old/tan/etc. (this happens around  5k times throughout the novel)
  2. 2)Kate slut slams her half sister (about 1k times)
  3. 3)Kate wears a wig (oh, a good three hundred and some odd times).  You can vary shots on this one depending on the color of the wig-the more audacious the color the more fancy the cocktail can be.
  4. 4)Anytime, the prince comes up with a lame excuse why he can’t be with Kate(pretty much anytime save for the last chapter).
  5. 5)A conflict is solved with little to no fall out (the entire book)
  6. 6)Kate becomes miraculously beautiful or is told she’s beautiful and instantly rebuffs it


Based on this impromptu drinking game I made it, it’s very obvious this book was grating to me.


To be fair, I read it in the course of another very boring work day where I had nothing to do because I reviewed my notary chapters and I can’t calculated the figures yet for the report I’m working on.  So…reading time.




Until you read crap like this.


I purchased this book because I read somewhere it was nominated for some award and was fairly cheap.  I don’t know how this got nominated for an award because it was awful.  The characters were flat, I didn’t really get the conflict, and any semblance of a plot there was was pretty much resolved with no freaking fall out save for a rushed explanation in the epilogue.


Epic suckage.


The sex scenes even felt lifeless.  Grant it, in historicals I usually skim them anyway-because the imagery is more often than not painful-BUT in this one those scenes were more or less an afterthought.



To be honest, I didn’t think the characters liked each other enough to have sex.

The plot, also was a hot mess.  There was no logic at all holding it together.  I didn’t get how this scheme was suppose to work, or why the sister’s boyfriend was in on it.

It didn’t make sense.  Let alone, why the Idiot’s (hero) approval was needed.


Yes, he was a prince.  But they downplay that a LOT through the novel.

While this wasn’t offensive in a way a old fashion 70’s or 80’s bodice ripper would’ve been, it’s its own brand of offensive.   It’s the sort of book that thinks their readers are raging idiots.  I understand that sometime that you have to stretch you imagination to believe that some things in a book can/have happened, but this was just ridiculous.  The author was just plain lazy.


Look, I’m going to advise you to pass on this one.  I feel like it got way more recognition then it really deserved.


Source: http://howdyyal.wordpress.com/2015/09/23/a-kiss-at-midnight-eloisa-james